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Get started

We will guide you through the simple Installation process (not sure if this can be even called installation, because of how simple it is)


Alternatively you could use my publicly hosted version of PHP-BADGES, but I would recommend hosting it yourself, as it is very simple to do so.

Installation Steps

  1. Download the latest release from the Releases page.
  2. Extract the zip file and upload the generate.php from the src folder to your web server.
  3. You're done! 🎉

Whats next?

Basic Usage

First Visit

When you first visit the generate.php file in your browser, the font will be automatically downloaded for you.

To create a badge, simply add open the generate.php file in your browser. By default, the badge will be created with the following settings:

(Instructions for changing the default settings can be found here)

Creating a Badge

I recommend using the Badge Generator to create your badges, as it is much easier to use.

Otherwise to generate a badge with different settings, simply add the following query parameters to the URL:

Examples (quality was reduced due to the image being resized)

Made with ❤️ by JMcrafter26

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